Friday, September 28, 2012

It's Pineapple Time!

Hey everyone I hope all is well I guess it’s been a week now since I posted, I've been busy. Since the container came in it has been full speed ahead with the farming at Newton and in Matindi Village. The stumps have created a delay though…Were chopping them up one at time with axes. I found some really good military axes from the U.S., broke them and got out the good Axes I brought with me in the container, broke them too. Me and Oxford went into town and found a piece well pipe six feet long and headed for a welding shop to cut and fix the axe heads on the pipe. We cut the pipe into three pieces, beat the wood out of the axe heads and had the pipe bent and welded on. These aren’t going to break anytime soon. Its hard work, but more people show up to work everyday.

We have completely stumped about 3 acres with 3 more cleared ready for stumping at Newton. I have about 20 people working for me there currently doing the clearing and stumping. There is probably another 20 working at Matindi Village right now re clearing 10 acres for planting, the grass here grows fast and in the last month it has grown 2-3 feet, if only grandpa could bring his hay equipment over here he would be in heaven.

I went out to Africa Felix juice today for a meeting about the pineapples suckers we have ordered and looked at the pineapples that they currently have planted in the area. The meeting went well and the first load of 35,000 suckers will get here tonight. That’s enough for 2 acres of land and the land cultivation will begin on Monday with a 55hp John Deere…The land at Newton was a jungle and the ground cover is to thick for the tillers to work effectively especially since there are so many tree roots. We are still going to use them at Matindi since the land is in much better shape.

So I brought a trailer in the container not knowing how much I would use it and in this past week it has been unhooked from the land rover for a few hours…It is a great people mover! The first day we loaded up 11 in all and headed to work and it was unpleasant so I said lets hook that trailer up and you guys can ride in it instead, they agreed of course there is a lot more action happening in the trailer than in the back of a car. This way all of the tools stay back there and the muddy feet.

Tomorrow morning all the guys are loading up into the car and trailer and we are going to the beach! The beach is really the highlight of my week. It is for sure a time to wind down from the week and get ready for the next one. Most of Wellington Orphanage will be going to tomorrow since there are some white people here from Pennsylvania and Canada and they are taking a bus load of kids and I am bringing all of the guys at my site for a day of fun in the sun! 

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